Noxon integrates printed biosensor systems into clothing for medical solutions.
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Unstoppable Motion with Printed Biosensors

Noxon GmbH

We are facing a global mobility crisis. By 2050, 20% of the world’s population will be limited in their ability to move. It’s time to tackle this global crisis with technological innovation.

Noxon combines mass printing processes with functional printing inks to create an array of bionic sensors directly on textiles. Integrated into sportswear, these sensors can emit targeted motion stimuli using electrical impulses, capture the body’s electrical impulses, and, in conjunction with a brain-computer interface, detect the wearer’s movement intentions.

This technology offers new medical solutions in mobility, such as reducing muscle atrophy, mitigating tremors in Parkinson’s patients, and providing movement assistance to paralyzed individuals. Noxon’s first product is Silverstep, a leg sleeve with textile biosensors. Silverstep sends electrical impulses to the leg muscles to reduce muscle atrophy – all without moving the leg.







Seed Stage



3. OG

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