The first intelligent solution for monitoring and ordering CO2 cylinders.

Gastimate Technologies GmbH

GasVisor is the first intelligent solution for monitoring and ordering CO2 cylinders.
Our patented IoT device digitizes and automates CO2 gas cylinder management, delivering exceptional efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and safety for offices, restaurants, hotels, and gas suppliers.
By simplifying reordering, enhancing customer service, enabling effective asset management, and fostering sustainability, we’re transforming the gas market one cylinder at a time.
We’re dedicated to empowering businesses across various sectors, pushing the boundaries of innovation, and shaping the future of automation in business operations.
Our international team of five founders is committed to revolutionizing the gas management industry.
What makes us truly special is our spirit of collaboration. Each member of our team contributes their core competencies, creating a well-rounded team that thrives on mutual respect and commitment to excellence.







Seed Stage




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