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The vehicle OS company.

Apex.AI GmbH

Apex.AI is a Palo Alto and Munich-based company that is developing breakthrough safe, certified, developer-friendly, and scalable software for mobility systems.

Our software products are based on proven open-source software, such as ROS or Eclipse iceoryx, so that we don’t spend time redeveloping what already works. Instead, we fork software that has been developed and proven in use by large developer communities. We then add what is missing: Functional safety, flawless performance, and support for application in commercial and safety-critical products. In order to do so, we have developed a proprietary process to rework open-source software in record time such that it conforms to the highest requirements of the applicable functional safety standard.

Distinguished by our experienced and agile team, we bring in the right pedigree: Expertise in modern software engineering to build software that scales to massive systems, leading know-how in software functional safety to make software reliable, experience bringing software to market so that we know what to takes to build actual products, and twenty-plus years of experience building autonomous systems so that we can take the perspective of our customers and know their needs.

We launched our award-winning first product Apex.OS after three years in 2020 and have taken it through certification in record time for launch in 2021. We have more in the pipeline to revolutionize the use of software in the automotive industry.










4. OG

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